Monday, November 22, 2010

Classroom Management Part 2

As I begin to think of things that could possibly go wrong within my classroom the first thing that comes to mind is the student who does not do their work. If my teaching was informed by the behaviorist learning theory then I would talk to that student about my concern for them and I would use intermitant reinforcement for their positive behavior with verbal praise or other objects the student may desire. I would not tell the student when they were going to get reinforced so that their positive behavior would not be a result of the reinforcement much like a bribe. In talking with a student I would show my concern with more than there school work. I would spend time checking to see why they are not motivated to finish their work or if there may be a reason behind this such as something going on in their home environment. With teaching that is informed by the constructivist learning theory than I would remember that most students have a separate schema for home and for school and that I may need to do a better job at finding what the student's school schema is. Then I can begin to rearrange or add to this schema. Within this conversation, I could also be informed by social learning theory by using language and things which are familiar to the student. I could give the student descriptive examples and let the student tell me how they should act. This would allow me to talk within the student's ZPD because their behavior may be a result of something that they simply need help in. Using a student's ZPD leads to the developmental learning theory because you have to keep in my the role of your student's age. Teachers need to be reflecting on whether or not they are giving their students the accurate amount of work and using this work correctly within their classroom.
Another behavior that is familiar to a classroom is the student who is a constant distraction to others because they talk out. In a circumstance in which the a student is talking out of turn while I or another teacher is talking I would need to be informed by the social learning theory because I will need to show that student that they are not respecting me or the other students within the classroom when they are talking out of turn. I can also be informed by the constructivist learning theory because this student's high rate of distractibility could be due to my ability to keep the class actively mentally engaged. I need to find away to keep students engaged by teaching information that they will find relevant in order to add to their schemas. I can also be informed by the developmental learning theory because I can reflect upon how appropriate their behavior is for their age and what the most concrete example that I could give them would be in order to help them reflect more positive behavior. Finally, I would need to be informed by the behaviorist learning theory in my decision on how I will use punishments and rewards to help this student. Within my classroom I should be able to manage in a way that allow to never need to single a student out. This means that punishment would be having that student come in for lunch to talk to me or things such as this. While rewards could be group discussion or things such as this.
Managing a classroom seems to not be something that is just black and white. It involves knowing your roles within your relationship to your students as their teacher and someone who truly cares beyond their school work to their well being. Clearly, as a teacher, their learning is at forefront but when dealing with behavioral issues we need to show that we understand what matters to our students as well. Classroom management isn't simply trying to a desired behavior from your students but also leads to your need for reflection upon yourself. When students do act out in class, we need to evaluate more than the behavior but also look to its function for the student and to how to aid the student with our teaching.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Student Motivation

In order to keep student's motivated in a classroom everything needs to be done with a purpose and informed. There are things that I would do in a classroom that go beyond a system of rewards and punishment so that my student's will stay motivated.
One key thing that I would do in a classroom would be knowing each of my student' s names and other key things about them. In an elementary classroom I will be able to find ways to know my student's interests and ways to use them within my teaching. Knowing my student's will help them to feel like they are real part of the class and using their interests will help them to see how the material is relevant in their lives. Teaching in such a way shows that I would be informed by social learning theory and behaviorist learning theory. It would be behaviorist learning theory because I am doing one thing in hopes to see a response in their behavior. It is informed by social learning theory because I am encouraging social interaction between my students and myself. I would also most likely be using language that is familiar to my students if I am using their interests within my teaching as well.
Another key thing that I would do in a classroom is that I would have a balance between authority and being the more knowledgeable peer. In the early years of elementary school, student's schema of school is being built. Students of preschool and kindergarten particularly need to see a steady balance of authority and a more knowledgeable peer. This way students will know that they need to follow directions and stay focused but they will also know that the teacher is there to help them. Teaching in this way would show that I am informed by the social learning theory. This is most evident through the use of a more knowledgeable peer but can also be seen in knowing a student's zone of proximal development. This meaning that in order for a teacher to act as the more knowledgeable peer she or he must be teaching within a student's ZPD. This allows for the student's to be challenged and use the teacher without feeling discourage/overworked or frustrated with the level of work due to the lack of challenge.
One more key thing that I would do within a classroom would be having high expectations for my students. Having high expectations for my students would challenge them to always be trying their hardest and trying new things. Hopefully, this would also lead to the students feeling confident; even confident enough to fail. Having high expectations for students, when used correctly, will lead to the students being able to try new things even when they are unsure of what to do. This would be because in correctly using high expectations students should be able to see how much the teacher respects them and their ideas. In return it may lead to the students having a high level of respect for the teacher. In having high expectations for students it is key to remember that mistakes are okay because holding students to high expectations does not mean expecting perfection. It is key to know each student's individual strengths and weakness when implementing your high expectations on them. Teaching in such a way would be informed by the behaviorist learning theory, social learning theory, and constructivist learning theory. Behaviorist learning theory is seen through the teacher's hopes a student's will try harder and hold them self to higher standards. It is also informed by the behaviorist learning theory because you desire that by respecting your students in such a way they will in return respect you and the other students within the classroom. This would be connected to the social learning theory because you are trying to use social interaction to work with students. Students will know not only from a classes work load but more so, through your relationship with them, that they are being held to high expectations. This is also social learning theory because when student's are held to positive high expectations, they are more likely to use their teacher as a more knowledgeable peer.